You know summer is officially over when you watch your child walk through the front door of Miss Midgie’s Preschool, trading an ice pop for a pencil. Of course, it’s hard to watch those sun kissed faces walk away from you, whether you’ve watched them go to preschool before or if this is their first time, but I assure you, we take good care of them once they are inside.

Safety is our number one priority as soon as a child steps foot into the building. Now, kids will be kids, so some kids might come out of the building with dirt on their knees or paint on their arms, but it’s also guaranteed that they will come out smarter, stronger, and more confident to take on their little worlds.

At Miss Midgie’s, we follow a very simple yet effective method to teaching. Teachers incorporate hands-on learning, cooperative learning, projects, themes, and individual work that engage and activate the child’s learning. The curriculum focuses on concepts which every child will be experts in when they graduate: letters, shapes, colors, sight words, positive affirmations, breathing, and mindfulness.

Every week a new letter, shape, color, and sight word is introduced. Sight words introduce the children to reading and what to expect when they move up into Kindergarten. Positive affirmations encourage the children to learn and grow through their mistakes. For example, one of the positive affirmations we focus on is “I am a good listener.” We tell this affirmation to the children, they repeat it, they see it, and they trace it. By saying this, it shows the children what we expect them to do or should be doing, opposed to telling a child “You are not listening,” a phrase that tells them what they are doing wrong—something negative. By doing it the former way, it focuses the children on their emotional growth as well as their academic growth.

Breathing and mindfulness are also important to the curriculum. By teaching a child how to breathe and be mindful of their actions and the people around them, it focuses their attention on the “right thing to do.” Once they become more and more confident of this concept, their self-esteem sky rockets, knowing that if they do “mess up,” all they have to do is breathe, take a minute, and try again.

Miss Midgie’s Preschool encourages students to express themselves and accept themselves for who they are, as well as embrace the differences of others which is evident in each classroom because every classroom has their own unique group. However, at the end of the day, we all come together, each classroom, because Miss Midgie’s Preschool prides itself in working together as their own community, which is why Miss Midgie’s is the perfect place to learn and grow.

Thank you for taking this journey with us, and welcome to a great year.