At Miss Midgie’s, we offer more than just preschool programs. Miss. Midgie’s also offers babysitting and tutoring.

Our Friday Night Babysitting not only allows parents a night out, but it also allows parents to enjoy their night out worry free because Miss Midgie’s is somewhere that you trust, and you know the staff; so you and your child will feel the comfort that you both need to enjoy the night.

At Miss Midgie’s, we value the importance of parents keeping the connection to one another which is also another reason to bring your child to Friday Night Babysitting. It allows the parents to fuel that connection with date night for them and a fun night for their child. Happy parents make for a happy home which make for a happy child, and we love happy children at Miss Midgie’s.

Friday Night Babysitting runs every Friday night and is handled by Miss Lisa, Miss Regina, and the rest of the staff. It’s offered from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. The child must remain for 2-hours minimum for $10 an hour.

Miss Midgie’s also offers tutoring/homework help for all ages. This is an incredible opportunity to help your child succeed throughout their educational life. Tutoring is offered Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM and 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Each hour is $25. You can choose between 1, 2, or 3 days, but remember, the more your child attends, the more you save!